New York City Adds Surchage for Uber, Lift, and Taxi Rides

The New York legislature passed new budget on Friday that (unfortunately) approved surcharges for ride-hailing services and taxis driving into Manhattan. This includes app-driven services like Uber, Via and Lyft, as well. According to Spectrum News NY1, each type of ride service will be charged a different amount. Uber and Lyft will face the most expensive surcharge at $2.75 per ride, while regular taxis will be slapped with a $2.50 surcharge. Via and Uberpool, however, will have $0.75 fee per each ride-sharing customer. 

The new fees aren't crazy high, however, it's still kind of a bummer for those who depend on these modes of transportation to get in and out of the city on a regular basis, as well as for the hardworking drivers. There's some good news though, as the new surcharge only applies to locations below 96th street. Any Ubers, Taxis, Lyfts, or Vias traveling higher than that are exempt from the new surcharges. 

It's not too surprising that these surcharges are being implemented. New York officials are working towards the "much-discussed congestion charges in the Big Apple as a way to reduce traffic and air pollution," according to The Drive. Despite the surcharges being implemented for what's ultimately a good cause, many people are still angry over the decision. They've even taken to social media to share their frustrations. 

New York City is not the first metropolitan area in the United States to add these kinds of surcharges for taxis. The New York surcharges, however, are some of the highest in the country right now. The Drive notes that Seattle has $0.24 surcharge per trip; Portland has $0.50 surcharge per trip; and Chicago has a $0.65 surcharge per trip. New York City's new surcharges far exceed these other cities. 

Gov. Cuomo spoke about the surcharges, stating that they will contribute "$400 million every year on a recurring basis" to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), New York City's public transit agency.  Cuomo believes the ride-hailing and taxi surcharges will help keep much-needed Subway repairs funded for the foreseeable future. 

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